Cheat Point Blank PB 27 juli 2011 1 HIT + Unlimited HP + No Recoil Cheat PB 27072011

Cheat Point Blank 26 Juli 2011 Cheat Point Blank 1 HIT + Unlimited HP + No Recoil Update Point Blank 26072011
Credits :
[-] b!LLkRaZ
[-] Albertus
Greetz to :
[-] Albertus
[-] All member soundbreakers
[-] All member N2
[-] All member N3
Fitur & Hotkey :

[-] Buka PB Launcher
[-] Buka Injector
[-] Isi Password ( Password udah ada di dalam rar-> notepad)
[-] Start PB
[-] Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86
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[-] b!LLkRaZ
[-] Albertus
Greetz to :
[-] Albertus
[-] All member soundbreakers
[-] All member N2
[-] All member N3
Fitur & Hotkey :

[-] Buka PB Launcher
[-] Buka Injector
[-] Isi Password ( Password udah ada di dalam rar-> notepad)
[-] Start PB
[-] Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86
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